Thursday, March 11, 2010

Formworks - Class Brief

Class brief: Challenge the repetitive nature of casting and formwork by developing a parametric, dynamic formworks system and produce a series of elements using that system.

Products of the formworks system might include:

  • a series of parametrically related casts (parametrically related castings)

    • the formwork is performative and dynamic
    • the formwork is a recombinant kit of parts.

  • a repetitive series that can recombine (flexible unit / kit of parts)
  • a casting that is itself dynamic (material dynamics)
  • a flexible structural system which employs the products of your formworks


  • Develop a sophisticated, well made formworks system
  • Produce and assemble a large quantity of products from your formworks system
  • Identify the architectural performance of the casting
  • Site the products of your formworks
  • Experiment with and present an argument for the material you used in your castings.
  • Develop a tectonic between cast parts

    • How do the products of your formwork aggregate and fit together?
    • What other kinds of details, structure and materials can you integrate? The products of your formworks can be part of a larger system

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